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World Autism Awareness Week.

Happy Saturday Queens, and happy autism awareness day . As a mum to a 10 year old on the spectrum it’s important that as a society we recognise these unique individuals and as well as being aware of the resilience of those affected by this disorder.

My son is an amazing individual and my role as a mum is ensure that he is able to experience all the joy that life has to offer in whatever from that means for him.

Weather that’s his obsession for trains, Roblox , music whatever it is I create a safe environment for him to express himself.


It’s important as a society that we educate ourselves and our children on the struggles that child and adults on the spectrum face and aim to create spaces of acceptance for them.

I am also a qualified social worker and have spent over 15 years of my career supporting children and adults with autism spectrum disorder so please send me a message if you have any questions.

As a parent I know it was very hard for me a accept the diagnosis . Mainly due to worry of what that would mean for his future. But I realised quickly that my lack of acceptance was a real disadvantage for my son in regards helping him gain access to the support he needs and to navigate his life.

There are lots of organisations that help and advise parents ,adults and children on the spectrum I will link a few on my stories .

Have a blessed weekend Queens..

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