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Lara Style Closet 

Lara in green trousers and a printed t-shirt

Not only am I passionate about fashion styles but I am also enthusiastic about sharing my expertise with you all. Which is why I have dedicated this page to showcasing all the best clothes that have been worn in the week. The links I’ll post will range from items that I’ve worn throughout the week, or even items that I’ve discovered others wearing.  I’m also more than happy to share my opinion and my experience of wearing specific clothes, so that you can make an informed decision of purchasing these items. Personally, I love wearing a variety of different colours and styles so that I can explore different combinations of fashionable looks.

It has often been said that your style is a way of expressing who you are, without having to utter a single word. I couldn’t agree more. In life and in fashion, each day offers a brand new opportunity to try something new. A new day is a blank canvas to be painted upon with colours of your choosing. A chance to fully express yourself, in whatever way that pleases you. I’ve always believed that if someone wants to wear something that is bright, bold and outlandish, then they fully have the right to. When it comes to fashion, it’s so important to remind yourself that it’s simply a fun and expressive medium for you to showcase your personality. I’ve never been a believer in suppressing what makes you unique, just so that you can blend in with the crowd. Not only do I recognise my individual power but I celebrate it with my fashion sense, in every way that I can.

I'll be delivering my items to areas such as Sussex, London and more!
If you would like to get in contact to learn more about my upcoming store, or for fashion style information, then email me today at

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